APM Test Run at Suvarnabhumi Airport

On 27th September 2021, Mr. Sarawut Benjakul, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Airports of Thailand Public Company Limited (AOT), together with AOT Board of Directors, Dr. Nitinai Sirismatthakarn, AOT President, AOT executives and employees joined the APM (Automated People Mover) commissioning test at Suvarnabhumi Airport to check its overall performance systems, including a test ride for 1 kilometer between Satellite Terminal 1 (SAT-1) and the existing Main Terminal Building. Additionally,
the group of AOT Board and executives also paid a site visit at SAT-1 and was welcomed by Mr. Kerati Kijmanawat, Senior Executive Vice President (Engineering and Construction), Mr. Kittipong Kittikachorn, Deputy General Manager of Suvarnabhumi Airport (Operations Group 1), Mr. Anan Wangchingchai,
Director General of Office of Suvarnabhumi Airport Construction Management.
In this regard, APM is set to serve passengers between the existing Main Terminal Building and
the Satellite Terminal 1 (SAT-1) with the distance of 1 kilometer within 2 minutes per ride. Each APM
can accommodate 210 passengers, or about 5,960 passengers per hour.
Media Release No. 38/2021 September, 2021
Corporate Communications Department, Airports of Thailand Plc
Tel: 0 2535 5242 Fax: 0 2535 5216 Email: aot_media@airportthai.co.th
Website: www.airportthai.co.th